Thursday, March 26, 2009

Urgent: why did the Cuban missble pose such a great threat to world peace?

The Cuban Missile Crisis, if Kennedy had gone through with it and invaded Cuba, the Soviet Union would have thrown a hissy fit and gone to war with the United States

Eventually that would%26#039;ve dragged in everyone as allies with either country and it would%26#039;ve been a World War 3 in a sense.
Urgent: why did the Cuban missble pose such a great threat to world peace?
They had the range to reach a good portion of the US, including Washington, with little time to react had they been launched. The really big deal, though, was that Kennedy had been shown to be inexperienced and weak, and it hurt his feelings, so that and the increased involvement in Vietnam were both means for him to project a %26quot;tough guy%26quot; image and assuage his feelings.
Urgent: why did the Cuban missble pose such a great threat to world peace?
Because global thermo-nuclear war can ruin your day.

And because America at the time was led by a lying, meth and steroid-addled incompetent who was willing to destroy Western Civilization so that he%26#039;d have ten more minutes to get to his bunker if the Soviets attacked.
Reply:The missiles were close enough to fire them into the US, which would have started a nuclear war. John Kennedy was wise enough to avoid it. Krushev had sent him a message saying that we had to remove our missiles from Turkey in order for them to remove theirs from Cuba. He also sent Kennedy a private message saying that if we promised not to invade Cuba, Russia would remove the missiles from Cuba. Kennedy ignored the one involving Turkey and agreed not to invade Cuba. In fact, I think they were two wise men.
Reply:Kennedy was worried that Cuban missiles could be directed at the United States, just as American missiles in Turkey could be directed at the Soviet Union.

The missiles almost certainly would have been under the control of the Soviet, not Cuban, military. They weren%26#039;t %26quot;Cuban missiles.%26quot; Instead, people talk about the missile crisis in Cuba, or the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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