Thursday, March 26, 2009

Which of the following led to the reunification of germany in 1989?

1. the european union%26#039;s euro currency brought economic success to france, a staunch ally of west germany

2. communism declined in the soviet union

3. the us divided its military support between east and w germany

4. rebels in west germany revolted against party leadership
Which of the following led to the reunification of germany in 1989?
Which of the following led to the reunification of germany in 1989?
Definitely #2. Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of the USSR, and he began easing up on the restictions that had prevailed throughout the country and its satellites. When he paid a visit to East Germany, crowds shouted, %26quot;Gorby! Help us!%26quot; About the same time, East Germans began taking %26quot;vacations%26quot; to other parts of Europe (something that wouldn%26#039;t have been allowed a couple of decades earlier) and ending up in WEST Germany. A political cartoon about that time depicted East Germany as a ship whose captain, looking resolutely ahead, was proclaiming, %26quot;Steady as she goes!%26#039; while another office, about midway back, was helping a stream of passengers off the ship and admonishing them, %26quot;Steady as you go.%26quot;

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