Thursday, March 26, 2009

An Alternate History Scenario?

Here is the Scenario, in 1933 FDR is assasinated and John Nance Garner is assumes the Presidency. He is unsucessful in helping with the Depression. In the 1936 election he looses the Democratic parties nomination to Huey Long(govenor of Louisiana). Long wins the election and becomes president.

Huey long was a known socialist, just short of being communist. I remember hearing FDR once saying the man he feared most was not Hitler or Stalin but MacArthur. He said if anyone in the country could over throw the government it would be him.

My question is, given this scenario, how likely would a Cival war in America at this time be?
An Alternate History Scenario?
For some interesting insights, check out the alternative history series of books by Harry Turtledove. His first postulated a way in which the Confederacy won it%26#039;s independance from the United States.

He has written many others, including one in which the Japanese find the US carrier fleet at Peal Harbor, and other series, including one in which the English do NOT defeat the Spanish Armada, and one in which Hannibal of Carthage is not defeated.

Interesting reading
An Alternate History Scenario?
As I understand it, the 2 people FDR feared the most were Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin. This is from William Manchester%26#039;s %26#039;The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972%26#039;.
Reply:With your scenario, I%26#039;d rate the odds of Civil War to be low. The US would still be digging out of the Depression, matters in Europe would still be proceeding, and I don%26#039;t see McArthur, even if he were stupid enough to attempt a military coup, able to muster anything near the support needed. We have traditionally indoctrinated out military to the concept of cvilian rule. Though the military may not like the civilians running the country, it would be a violation of their oaths to rise against it. So, lots of dirty politics, scandals, and a new president in the 1940 election, just in time to find Germany overwhelming Britian, which has not been recieving support from a FDR administration, a Japan that is still likely to launch a Pearl Harbor attack, and a military that is even more obsolete than the one that was in place at the time. But the capacity to gear up for war would still be there, so the second world war would occur, and would simply last longer.

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