Thursday, March 26, 2009

The French revolution inspired revolutions in what other region?

I wrote my senior thesis on this. Mostly dealing with the Caribbean and the French colonies there. Haiti (San Domingue), Guadeloupe, Martinique and even St. Lucia all saw there own revolutions. It was a blur of alliances. Slave v White, Republican white v. Royalist white, free blacks v. slaves, British and Royalist French v Republican French and free blacks. The combinations are numerous. My argument was that the Revolution and the Great Terror drifted across the Atlantic into the colonies. There were other historians, like David Geggus, that argued the slave revolts would have occured even without revolution in France. Laurent Dubois argued however that the revolts were a direct response to the Revolution in France. I agreed with Dubois%26#039; stance. Mostly because after the Revolution, there was a large increase in revolts and they were organized with a language to rally to. Check my authors list
The French revolution inspired revolutions in what other region?
Rousseau inspired the American Revolution, but IT inspired the French Revolution, which began several years after the American one ended. Listen to th man who did his thesis on the subject.

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